Yale GUMI Outreach: Careers in Space Research

Did you know that NASA employees are engineers AND biologists, physicists, and chemists? The Yale Graduate-Undergraduate Mentorship Initiative (GUMI) recently held a space research Q&A panel for over 40 New Haven high school and middle school students to address...

NASA Celebrates Earth Day Week

NASA is hosting virtual Earth Day events from April 21-24. There are many free Earth Day activities, including live talks, games, and videos, plus downloadable posters and books available on their website. Learn more at https://www.nasa.gov/earth-day-2021....

NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS)

Are you currently enrolled in a 2-year STEM program?  Do you want to be a part of a NASA program, and work on NASA missions and research? NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS) invites you to participate in a competitive 5-week course. Upon completion,...

Connecticut Invention Convention

About Connecticut Invention Convention (CIC) The Connecticut Invention Convention (CIC) is an internationally recognized educational organization open to all K-12 students across Connecticut since 1983. It teaches students to develop creative problem-solving and...

Send a Pledge to the MOON

Pledge of the Artemis Generation to Explore Deadline: April 2, 2021 Calling all Education Institutions in the US and Territories! NASA is turning the page to a new chapter of human space exploration! We are going to land the first woman and the next man on the moon!!...