Virtual Space Teams for Ages 12-18!

Calling young astronauts (aged 12 and over) who want to join a team of NASA astronauts and space professionals to adventure into the future of space exploration. NASA Texas Space Grant is hosting Space Teams Virtual Space Mission this summer! For detailed information...

Yale GUMI Outreach: Careers in Space Research

Did you know that NASA employees are engineers AND biologists, physicists, and chemists? The Yale Graduate-Undergraduate Mentorship Initiative (GUMI) recently held a space research Q&A panel for over 40 New Haven high school and middle school students to address...

NASA Celebrates Earth Day Week

NASA is hosting virtual Earth Day events from April 21-24. There are many free Earth Day activities, including live talks, games, and videos, plus downloadable posters and books available on their website. Learn more at

NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS)

Are you currently enrolled in a 2-year STEM program?  Do you want to be a part of a NASA program, and work on NASA missions and research? NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS) invites you to participate in a competitive 5-week course. Upon completion,...

Connecticut Invention Convention

About Connecticut Invention Convention (CIC) The Connecticut Invention Convention (CIC) is an internationally recognized educational organization open to all K-12 students across Connecticut since 1983. It teaches students to develop creative problem-solving and...