Undergraduate & Graduate

The following is a summary of grant and scholarship awards that will be issued during our Spring 2025 award cycle.  Please read below for information about these funding opportunities and how to apply prior to submitting an application. 

You may also review the Student Request for Proposals (RFP) (revised February, 2025) for further information.

Applications for Spring 2025 Awards will be accepted from 03/03/2025 to 04/30/2025.

NOTE FOR SPRING 2025: Awards are anticipated to be made on/after June 10, 2025 pending the issuance of the new CT Space Grant funding from NASA.

Note About Future Applications: Fall 2025 Applications will tentatively be accepted starting 09/02/2025.  


NASA CTSGC Spring 2025 Call for Applications

Award Audience Anticipated Number of Awards* Award Amount
Graduate Fellowship Grant Student (graduate) 5 up to $10,000
Undergraduate Research Grant Student (undergraduate) 3 up to $6,000
Student Project Grant  Student 5 up to $1,500 
Student Travel Student 5 up to $1,500
Undergraduate Scholarship Student (undergraduate at a 4-year institution)
6 $3,000
Community College Scholarship Student (community college)
5 $1,500
Community College Transfer Scholarship  Student (undergraduate at a 4-year institution who began at a community college) 1 $3,000 

* These are anticipated number of awards and may be decreased or increased.

Note: All applications are submitted through InfoReady, a second-party platform. You may visit https://ctsgc.infoready4.com/ to see a list of all student and faculty applications at this time and apply through the links provided. If you have questions or problems with your application, you may contact our office at 860-768-4890 or [email protected].

Please do not submit online applications using a mobile device. 


About this award

Award – Graduate Fellowships are available to promote and support graduate student research in areas that align with NASA Mission Directorates.  Refer to the NASA CTSGC website for the number and amounts of awards available each academic year. A student is eligible for one NASA CTSGC fellowship per academic year. (Note: Space Grant Fellowship recipients cannot receive other federal fellowships or traineeships while receiving a Space Grant fellowship. Please be sure to specify the proposed period of performance within your application to ensure no overlap of federal fellowships/traineeships.)

Eligibility – Graduate student applicants must be full-time graduate students at one of the Consortium Member Institutions with a strong academic record. First-semester graduate students should provide an undergraduate transcript.  Applicants are required to provide proof of U.S. Citizenship to their respective Campus Director for accurate and timely completion of the Grant Verification approval. New applicants will be given priority over recent awardees with this grant. All research must be conducted in person and on-site.

Award Opportunities – Funding opportunities are available to Graduate Students preparing for careers useful to NASA.

Eligible Budget Items – The budget may include items such as tuition, student stipend, technician and support staff salaries, summer salaries, fringe benefits, supplies, and materials. Funds may also be used to support travel directly related to the performance of the research/study.  Funds may not be used for equipment/computers, entertainment, entry fees, or indirect costs. All federal requirements pass through NASA CT Space Grant Consortium’s lead institution, University of Hartford, to all awarded grants.

Equipment and Supplies – NASA CTSGC funds may not be used for equipment purchases. The definition for equipment is an article of tangible nonexpendable personal property that has a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. General-purpose equipment needs to be approved by the NASA Grant Officer. Items below $5,000 are classified as supplies. If essential to the project, NASA CTSGC funds may be used for the purchase of supplies.  NASA CTSGC funds may not be used to purchase computers or tablets.

Fund Distribution – Funds will be available upon successful completion of a sub-award between the grant awardee’s institution and the University of Hartford, and then will be paid to grant awardee’s institution to be distributed according to its policies related to graduate student research grants. Graduate applicants should meet with their respective institution’s grants’ office prior to application submission. Note: NASA CTSGC cannot award final payment until all post-award requirements are met and approved. Details will be conveyed within the award agreement.

Post award responsibilities

Reporting – A project report will be required upon completion of the fellowship work.  The required reporting link will be sent via email before the completion of the grant period of performance and is also available by logging into the application portal. NASA CTSGC considers a successful project to be an investment in the future of the researcher, their department and the institution, and therefore requires the tracking of these outcomes for CTSGC reporting to NASA.

NASA STEM Gateway – NASA requires tracking of all awardees for Space Grant awards. To aid in tracking applicants, a NASA STEM Gateway profile must be created for each higher education student who has either been directly funded or has significantly participated in CTSGC-funded project. If you are awarded (primary investigator) a CTSGC grant, or participated in a research grant or project (direct participant) funded by CTSGC, your NASA STEM Gateway profile is required. All profiles are created directly through the NASA STEM Gateway website and are in addition to any CTSGC reporting required at the completion of a grant. Directions on how to create your profile can be found by clicking here. It is the responsibility of the awardee to ensure that they and any direct participants have created a STEM Gateway profile in order to comply with the terms of the awarded grant.

Outreach – Fellowship award recipients are required to share their knowledge of and enthusiasm for STEM careers by performing outreach within a community college, middle/high school community of their choice, or other community program.  For additional information on outreach opportunities, please refer to the NASA CTSGC website.

Poster Session – Students will be required to furnish a research poster (template available online) for an annual expo following the completion of their research. The poster will be submitted with the grant report, and the awardee will bring a physical copy to the expo for display.  Details about the annual expo will be communicated closer to the date.

Longitudinal Tracking – NASA CTSGC and NASA require tracking of all significant student awardees to their “next career step.” Please be aware that you will be contacted by your Campus Director to follow up on your career path and/or progress.

Apply for this award

Submit the application and additional forms via the Apply page.

  • Applicant Contact/Demographic Information
    * This information is utilized for NASA reporting only.
  • Proposal Information
    • Proposal Abstract (100-word maximum) – includes information relating the proposed project to NASA’s Mission Directorates.
    • Narrative – 5-page maximum
      1. Purpose and objectives
      2. Relationship to NASA’s Mission Directorates
      3. Methodology
      4. Feasibility and timeline (plan) of the project
      5. Budget narrative
      6. Expected outcomes and Assessment Plan
      7. Career potential

        * Consult the scoring rubric for more information on how proposals will be evaluated according to these criteria.

          • Budget – Please be sure to include a Budget Worksheet for each institution involved in collaboration grant proposals.
          • Two Recommendations (internal or external) – Applicants will be asked to provide email addresses of recommenders in their application. One recommendation must come from the research project supervisor. The recommenders will be emailed a unique link to provide their recommendation, or they can log into the application site using the provided email address. Their recommendation will be included in the completed application when reviewed by the selection committee. Recommendations are due no later than one week (7 days) after the date applications close for that cycle.
          • Resume/Curriculum Vitae – One-page (maximum) resume/CV is required. (Submissions over page maximum will be rejected.) For team or collaborative proposals, please submit a one-page resume/CV for each team member.
          • Student Transcript – Official is preferred; however, unofficial is acceptable if availability at the time of submission is a problem. Transcript must show current course enrollments. Degree audits are not acceptable in lieu of transcript. Please do not upload encrypted files.

        About this award

        Award – Undergraduate Research Grants are available to support and promote undergraduate research with faculty advisors at their institution. Refer to the NASA CTSGC website for the number and amounts of awards each academic year. A student is eligible for one award per academic year.

        Eligibility – Undergraduate student applicants must be full-time students at the time of application and during the entire project period at one of the Consortium Member Institutions with a strong academic record.  First-semester students are not eligible to apply as a transcript showing at least one completed semester is required with your application.  Applicants are required to provide proof of U.S. Citizenship to their respective Campus Director for accurate and timely completion of the Grant Verification approval.  New applicants will be given priority over recent awardees with all grants. All research must be conducted in person and on-site.

        Award Opportunities – Students may be preparing for senior design projects, honors research, or searching for an educational experience, which is consistent with the mission of NASA as exemplified by its Mission Directorates. Students desiring to complete their research in collaboration with local STEM companies should contact the companies in advance and include a letter of support from the partner along with their application.

        Budget – A budget worksheet is required for Undergraduate Research Grant.  Students are required to provide a maximum stipend of $4,000 and minimum of $2,000 allocated for supplies in their budget worksheet.

        Fund Distribution –  Funds will be available upon successful completion of a sub-award to the master agreement between the grant awardee’s institution and the University of Hartford and then will be paid to the grant awardee’s institution to be distributed according to its policies related to faculty grants. A detailed, itemized invoice is required when sending any invoice to the consortium office. Final payment will be made upon submission and approval of all post-award reporting.

        Post award responsibilities

        Reporting – A project report will be required upon completion of the research grant.  The required reporting link will be sent via email before the completion of the grant period of performance and is also available by logging into the application portal. NASA CTSGC considers a successful project to be an investment in the future of the researcher, their department and the institution, and therefore requires the tracking of these outcomes for CTSGC reporting to NASA.

        NASA STEM Gateway – NASA requires tracking of all awardees for Space Grant awards. To aid in tracking applicants, a NASA STEM Gateway profile must be created for each higher education student who has either been directly funded or has significantly participated in CTSGC-funded project. If you are awarded (primary investigator) a CTSGC grant, or participated in a research grant or project (direct participant) funded by CTSGC, your NASA STEM Gateway profile is required. All profiles are created directly through the NASA STEM Gateway website and are in addition to any CTSGC reporting required at the completion of a grant. Directions on how to create your profile can be found by clicking here. It is the responsibility of the awardee to ensure that they and any direct participants have created a STEM Gateway profile in order to comply with the terms of the awarded grant.

        Outreach – Award recipients are required to share their knowledge of and enthusiasm for STEM careers by performing outreach within a community college (not their own), middle/high school community of their choice, or other community program. For additional information on outreach opportunities, please refer to the NASA CTSGC website.

        Poster Session – Students will be required to furnish a research poster (template available online) for an annual expo following the completion of their research. The poster will be submitted with the grant report, and the awardee will bring a physical copy to the expo for display.  Details about the annual expo will be communicated closer to the date.

        Longitudinal Tracking – NASA CTSGC and NASA require tracking of all significant student awardees to their “next career step.” Please be aware that you will be contacted by your Campus Director to follow up on your career path and/or progress.

        Apply for this award

        Submit the application and additional forms via the Apply page.

        • Applicant Contact/Demographic Information
          * This information is utilized for NASA reporting only.
        • Proposal Information
          • Proposal Abstract (100-word maximum) – includes information relating the proposed project to NASA’s Mission Directorates.
          • Narrative – 5-page maximum
            1. Purpose and objectives
            2. Relationship to NASA’s Mission Directorates
            3. Methodology
            4. Feasibility and timeline (plan) of the project
            5. Expected outcomes
            6. Career potential

            * Consult the scoring rubric for more information on how proposals will be evaluated according to these criteria.

              • Two Recommendations (internal or external) – Applicants will be asked to provide email addresses of recommenders in their application. One recommendation must come from the research project supervisor. The recommenders will be emailed a unique link to provide their recommendation, or they can log into the application site using the provided email address. Their recommendation will be included in the completed application when reviewed by the selection committee. Recommendations are due no later than one week (7 days) after the date applications close for that cycle.
              • Resume/Curriculum Vitae – One-page (maximum) resume/CV is required. (Submissions over page maximum will be rejected.) For team or collaborative proposals, please submit a one-page resume/CV for each team member.
              • Student Transcript –Official is preferred; however, unofficial is acceptable if availability at the time of submission is a problem. Transcript must show current course enrollments. Degree audits are not acceptable in lieu of transcript. Please do not upload encrypted files.

            About this award

            Award – The purpose of these grants is to allow students to purchase items needed for senior capstone, undergraduate research, or extracurricular club design projects including materials, electronic components, chemicals, etc. NASA CTSGC recognizes these small grants will allow students to choose projects that are beyond the normal funds allocated by departments, colleges, and universities. Refer to the NASA CTSGC website for the number and amounts of awards available each academic year.

            Eligible Projects – Any group or individual project that is consistent with the mission of NASA as exemplified by its Mission Directorates, is eligible.

            Eligible Applicants – Individual students and informal/formal groups of students may apply. The project leader/Primary Investigator (P.I.) must be a U.S. Citizen, and all project team members must be full-time students at a Consortium Member Institution at the beginning of the project. First-semester students are not eligible to apply as a transcript showing at least one completed semester is required with your application. Individual Applicants/Project Leader (for group projects) must have a strong academic record. There must be a faculty member who agrees to serve as the project advisor.  Applicant P.I. is required to provide proof of U.S. Citizenship to their respective Campus Director for accurate and timely completion of the Grant Verification approval.

            Budget – Funds may be used for supplies and materials only. Funds may not be used for travel*, equipment/computers, entertainment, entry fees, tuition, salaries, fringe benefits, or indirect costs.
            *Students may also apply for Travel Grants to visit NASA Centers, participate in professional meetings, etc.

            Fund Distribution –  Reimbursement will require the completion of a sub-award to the master agreement between the grant award recipient’s institution and the University of Hartford. Reimbursement requires the submission of detailed, itemized receipts to the appropriate office at the affiliate Consortium campus. Note: NASA CTSGC cannot award final payment until all post-award requirements are met and approved.

            Post award responsibilities

            Reporting – A project report will be required promptly upon completion of the project grant.  The required reporting link will be sent via email before the completion of the grant period of performance and is also available by logging into the application portal. NASA CTSGC considers a successful project to be an investment in the future of the researcher, their department and the institution, and therefore requires the tracking of these outcomes for CTSGC reporting to NASA.

            NASA STEM Gateway – NASA requires tracking of all awardees for Space Grant awards. To aid in tracking applicants, a NASA STEM Gateway profile must be created for each higher education student who has either been directly funded or has significantly participated in CTSGC-funded project. If you are awarded (primary investigator) a CTSGC grant, or participated in a research grant or project (direct participant) funded by CTSGC, your NASA STEM Gateway profile is required. All profiles are created directly through the NASA STEM Gateway website and are in addition to any CTSGC reporting required at the completion of a grant. Directions on how to create your profile can be found by clicking here. It is the responsibility of the awardee to ensure that they and any direct participants have created a STEM Gateway profile in order to comply with the terms of the awarded grant.

            Poster Session – Students will be required to furnish a research poster (template available online) for an annual expo following the completion of their research. The poster will be submitted with the grant report, and the awardee will bring a physical copy to the expo for display.  Details about the annual expo will be communicated closer to the date.

            Longitudinal Tracking – NASA CTSGC and NASA require tracking of all significant student awardees to their “next career step.” Please be aware that you will be contacted by your Campus Director to follow up on your career path and/or progress.

            Apply for this award

            Submit the application and additional forms via the Apply page.

            • Applicant Contact/Demographic Information
              * This information is utilized for NASA reporting only.
            • Proposal Information
              • Proposal Abstract (100-word maximum) – includes information relating the proposed project to NASA’s Mission Directorates.
              • Narrative – 5-page maximum
                1. Purpose and objectives
                2. Relationship to NASA’s Mission Directorates
                3. Methodology
                4. Feasibility and timeline (plan) of the project
                5. Budget narrative
                6. Expected outcomes
                7. Career potential

                  * Consult the scoring rubric for more information on how proposals will be evaluated according to these criteria.

                    • Budget – Please be sure to include a Budget Worksheet for each institution involved in collaborative grant projects.
                    • One Recommendation (internal or external) – Applicants will be asked to provide email address(es) of recommender(s) in their application. One recommendation must be from the research project supervisor/advisor. The recommender(s) will be emailed a unique link to provide their recommendation, or they can log into the application site using the provided email address. Their recommendation will be included in the completed application when reviewed by the selection committee. Recommendations are due no later than one week (7 days) after the date applications close for that cycle.
                    • Resume/Curriculum Vitae – One-page (maximum) resume/CV is required. (Submissions over page maximum will be rejected.) For team or collaborative proposals, please submit a one-page resume/CV for each team member.
                    • Student Transcript – Official is preferred; however, unofficial is acceptable if availability at the time of submission is a problem. Transcript must show current course enrollments. Degree audits are not acceptable in lieu of transcript. Please do not upload encrypted files.

                  About this award

                  Award – To encourage travel to NASA facilities to use their unique resources and/or present Space Grant and NASA funded research at conferences the NASA CTSGC awards travel grants. Refer to the NASA CTSGC website for the number of awards available each academic year.

                  Eligible Travel – Travel supported by travel grants may include, but is not limited to, trips to NASA facilities to use specialized research equipment, trips to NASA Centers to discuss collaborations with NASA scientists and engineers, attendance at pre-proposal conferences sponsored by NASA, presentation of Space Grant funded research at conferences, participation in NASA or Space Grant programs/workshops/competitions, or invited papers at conferences, visits by NASA scientists/engineers to campuses for research collaboration. This award is not to attend a conference for networking or non-presenting purposes. Invitations/letters/acceptance/etc should be included in application when possible. NASA CTSGC only supports domestic travel.

                  Eligible Applicants – Full-time students at Consortium Member Institutions are eligible. All applicants must be US Citizens. First-semester students are not eligible to apply as a transcript showing at least one completed semester is required with your application.  Applicants are required to provide proof of U.S. Citizenship to their respective Campus Director for accurate and timely completion of the Grant Verification approval. Student applicants should have a strong academic record.

                  Budget – Funds will be paid to the student or groups’ institution upon submission of a detailed invoice, including back-up (how the funds were spent), at the conclusion of the trip. Alcohol and personal care items are not allowed.  No travel advances are allowed.

                  Fund Distribution – Funds will be paid to the student’s institution on a reimbursement basis. NASA CTSGC will pay detailed invoices from the affiliate upon completion of a sub-award to the master agreement. Most affiliate institutions will require detailed, itemized receipts. Contact your Campus Director for details. No travel advances will be allowed from NASA CTSGC funds. International travel is not allowed to be funded with Space Grant dollars. Note: NASA CTSGC cannot award final payment until all post-award requirements are met and approved.

                  Post award responsibilities

                  Reporting A project report will be required promptly upon completion of the travel.  The required reporting link will be sent via email before the completion of the grant period of performance and is also available by logging into the application portal. NASA CTSGC considers a successful project to be an investment in the future of the researcher, their department and the institution, and therefore requires the tracking of these outcomes for CTSGC reporting to NASA. 

                  NASA STEM Gateway – NASA requires tracking of all awardees for Space Grant awards. To aid in tracking applicants, a NASA STEM Gateway profile must be created for each higher education student who has either been directly funded or has significantly participated in CTSGC-funded project. If you are awarded (primary investigator) a CTSGC grant, or participated in a research grant or project (direct participant) funded by CTSGC, your NASA STEM Gateway profile is required. All profiles are created directly through the NASA STEM Gateway website and are in addition to any CTSGC reporting required at the completion of a grant. Directions on how to create your profile can be found by clicking here. It is the responsibility of the awardee to ensure that they and any direct participants have created a STEM Gateway profile in order to comply with the terms of the awarded grant.

                  Poster Session – Students will be required to furnish a research poster (template available online) for an annual expo following the completion of their research. The poster will be submitted with the grant report, and the awardee will bring a physical copy to the expo for display.  Details about the annual expo will be communicated closer to the date.

                  Longitudinal Tracking – NASA CTSGC and NASA require tracking of all significant student awardees to their “next career step.” Please be aware that you will be contacted by your Campus Director to follow up on your career path and/or progress.

                  Apply for this award

                  Submit the application and additional forms via the Apply page.

                  • Applicant Contact/Demographic Information
                    * This information is utilized for NASA reporting only.
                  • Proposal Information
                    • Proposal Abstract (100-word maximum) – includes information relating the proposed project to NASA’s Mission Directorates.
                    • Narrative – 2-page maximum. Please include the following sections
                      1. Purpose of Travel and Invitation: provide a copy of any supporting materials related to the travel, i.e., letter or conference paper acceptance notice (copy of email or webpage of the program is acceptable). Please remember that Space Grant can only support domestic travel.
                      2. Relevance to NASA’s Mission Directorates
                      3. Goals and Objectives
                      4. Timetable
                        • Budget Narrative: Please provide a description of how you will fund the travel if you do not receive full Space Grant funding for the total coast of the trip. (Ex. If the total trip will cost $1,500, describe how you will fund the remaining $500 after the Space Grant award of $1,000.)

                      * Consult the scoring rubric for more information on how proposals will be evaluated according to these criteria.

                        • Budget Justification – Please be sure to include a Budget Worksheet for each institution involved in collaboration grant proposals.
                        • One Recommendation – Applicants will be asked to provide to email address(es) of recommender(s) in their application. One recommendation must be from a faculty member familiar with the travel purpose. The recommender(s) will be emailed a unique link to provide their recommendation, or they can log into the application site using the provided email address. Their recommendation will be included in the completed application when reviewed by the selection committee. Recommendations are due no later than one week (7 days) after the date applications close for that cycle.
                        • Resume/Curriculum Vitae – One-page (maximum) resume/CV is required. (Submissions over page maximum will be rejected.) For team proposals, please submit a one-page resume/CV for each team member.
                        • Student Transcript – Official is preferred; however, unofficial is acceptable if availability at the time of submission is a problem. Transcript must show current course enrollments. Degree audits are not acceptable in lieu of transcript. Please do not upload encrypted files.

                      About this award

                      Award – To encourage small groups of students to travel to NASA facilities to use their unique resources and/or present Space Grant and NASA funded research at conferences the NASA CTSGC awards travel grants.   This grant is awarded on a rolling basis based on available funds.

                      Eligible Travel – Travel supported by group travel grants may include, but is not limited to, trips to NASA facilities to use specialized research equipment, trips to NASA Centers to discuss collaborations with NASA scientists and engineers, attendance at pre-proposal conferences sponsored by NASA, presentation of Space Grant funded research at conferences, participation in NASA or Space Grant programs/workshops/competitions, or invited papers at conferences, visits by NASA scientists/engineers to campuses for research collaboration. This award is not to attend a conference for networking or non-presenting purposes. Invitations/letters/acceptance/etc should be included in application when possible.  NASA CTSGC only supports domestic travel.

                      Eligible Applicants – Full-time students at Consortium Member Institutions are eligible. All applicants and travelers must be US Citizens. First-semester students are not eligible to apply as a transcript showing at least one completed semester is required with your application.  Applicants are required to provide proof of U.S. Citizenship to their respective Campus Director for accurate and timely completion of the Grant Verification approval. Student applicants should have a strong academic record.

                      Budget – Funds will be paid to the student or groups’ institution upon submission of a detailed invoice, including back-up (how the funds were spent), at the conclusion of the trip. Alcohol and personal care items are not allowed.  No travel advances are allowed.

                      Fund Distribution – Funds will be paid to the student’s institution on a reimbursement basis. NASA CTSGC will pay detailed invoices from the affiliate upon completion of a sub-award to the master agreement. Most affiliate institutions will require detailed, itemized receipts. Contact your Campus Director for details. No travel advances will be allowed from NASA CTSGC funds. International travel is not allowed to be funded with Space Grant dollars. Note: NASA CTSGC cannot award final payment until all post-award requirements are met and approved.

                      Post award responsibilities

                      Reporting A project report will be required promptly upon completion of the travel.  The required reporting link will be sent via email before the completion of the grant period of performance and is also available by logging into the application portal. NASA CTSGC considers a successful project to be an investment in the future of the researcher, their department and the institution, and therefore requires the tracking of these outcomes for CTSGC reporting to NASA. 

                      NASA STEM Gateway – NASA requires tracking of all awardees and participants (i.e. travelers) for Space Grant awards. To aid in tracking applicants, a NASA STEM Gateway profile must be created for each higher education student who has either been directly funded or has significantly participated in CTSGC-funded project. If you are awarded (primary investigator) a CTSGC grant, or participated in a research grant or project (direct participant) funded by CTSGC, your NASA STEM Gateway profile is required. All profiles are created directly through the NASA STEM Gateway website and are in addition to any CTSGC reporting required at the completion of a grant. Directions on how to create your profile can be found by clicking here. It is the responsibility of the awardee to ensure that they and any direct participants have created a STEM Gateway profile in order to comply with the terms of the awarded grant.

                      Poster Session – Students will be required to furnish a research poster (template available online) for an annual expo following the completion of their research. The poster will be submitted with the grant report, and the awardee will bring a physical copy to the expo for display.  Details about the annual expo will be communicated closer to the date.

                      Longitudinal Tracking – NASA CTSGC and NASA require tracking of all significant student awardees to their “next career step.” Please be aware that you will be contacted by your Campus Director to follow up on your career path and/or progress.

                      Apply for this award

                      Submit the application and additional forms via the Apply page.

                      • Applicant Contact/Demographic Information
                        * This information is utilized for NASA reporting only.
                      • Proposal Information
                        • Proposal Abstract (100-word maximum) – includes information relating the proposed project to NASA’s Mission Directorates.
                        • Narrative – 2-page maximum. Please include the following sections
                          1. Purpose of Travel and Invitation: provide a copy of any supporting materials related to the travel, i.e., letter or conference paper acceptance notice (copy of email or webpage of the program is acceptable). Please remember that Space Grant can only support domestic travel.
                          2. Travelers: Your narrative must include the name(s) and role(s) of each traveler. Your narrative should describe the input of each traveler to the project and how that relates to travel. The narrative should also designate whether or not the traveler is essential or optional (budget-permitting) for travel.
                          3. Relevance to NASA’s Mission Directorates
                          4. Goals and Objectives
                          5. Timetable
                            • Budget Narrative: Please provide a description of how you will fund the travel if you do not receive full Space Grant funding for the total coast of the trip. (Ex. If the total trip will cost $1,500, describe how you will fund the remaining $500 after the Space Grant award of $1,000.)

                          * Consult the scoring rubric for more information on how proposals will be evaluated according to these criteria.

                            • Budget Justification – Please be sure to include a Budget Worksheet for each institution involved in collaboration grant proposals.
                            • One Recommendation – Applicants will be asked to provide to email address(es) of recommender(s) in their application. One recommendation must be from a faculty member familiar with the travel purpose. The recommender(s) will be emailed a unique link to provide their recommendation, or they can log into the application site using the provided email address. Their recommendation will be included in the completed application when reviewed by the selection committee. Recommendations are due no later than one week (7 days) after the date applications close for that cycle.
                            • Resume/Curriculum Vitae – One-page (maximum) resume/CV is required. (Submissions over page maximum will be rejected.) For group proposals, please submit a one-page resume/CV for each team member (must be combined as one upload).
                            • Student Transcript – Official is preferred; however, unofficial is acceptable if availability at the time of submission is a problem. Transcript must show current course enrollments. For group proposals, please submit a transcript for each team member (must be combined as one upload). Degree audits are not acceptable in lieu of transcript. Please do not upload encrypted files.

                          About this award

                          Awards – Refer to the NASA CTSGC website for the number and amounts of awards available each academic year.  New applicants will be given priority (full points) over recent awardees


                          Undergraduate Scholarship: Student applicants must be full-time students at the time of application at one of the 4-year Consortium Member Institutions with a strong academic record.  First-semester students are not eligible to apply as a transcript showing at least one completed semester is required with your application.  

                          Community College Scholarship: Student applicants must be full-time students at the time of application at one of the 2-year Community College Consortium Member Institutions with a strong academic record. First-semester students are not eligible to apply as a transcript showing at least one completed semester is required with your application.  

                          Community College Transfer Scholarship: Students must demonstrate that they began their postsecondary education at a community college where they enrolled for a minimum of two terms and are currently enrolled full-time at a 4-year Consortium Member postsecondary education institution. First-semester students are not eligible to apply, as a transcript showing at least one completed semester at the 4-year affiliate is required with your application. Students may only be awarded the Community College Transfer Scholarship once in their academic careers.

                          All applicants: Applicants are required to provide proof of U.S. Citizenship to their respective Campus Director for accurate and timely completion of the Grant Verification approval. All students must be full-time at the time of application.  New applicants will be given priority over recent awardees with all grants.

                          Fund Distribution – Full amount is paid directly to the student award recipient’s Financial Aid Account from their respective institution Financial Aid Office upon completion, submission and approval of a report.

                          Post award responsibilities

                          Reporting – Completion of a brief report is required prior to scholarship payment.  The required reporting link will be sent via email following award of scholarship and is also available by logging into the application portal.

                          NASA STEM Gateway – NASA requires tracking of all awardees for Space Grant awards. To aid in tracking applicants, a NASA STEM Gateway profile must be created for each higher education student who has either been directly funded or has significantly participated in CTSGC-funded project. If you are awarded (primary investigator) a CTSGC grant, or participated in a research grant or project (direct participant) funded by CTSGC, your NASA STEM Gateway profile is required. All profiles are created directly through the NASA STEM Gateway website and are in addition to any CTSGC reporting required at the completion of a grant. Directions on how to create your profile can be found by clicking here. It is the responsibility of the awardee to ensure that they have created a STEM Gateway profile in order to comply with the terms of the awarded grant.

                          Longitudinal Tracking – NASA CTSGC and NASA require tracking of all significant student awardees to their “next career step.” Please be aware that you will be contacted by your Campus Director to follow up on your career path and/or progress.

                          Apply for this award

                          Submit the application and additional forms via the Apply page.

                          • Applicant Contact/Demographic Information
                            * This information is utilized for NASA reporting only.
                          • Proposal Information
                            • Narrative – 3-page maximum. Please include the following sections:
                              1. Describe your academic and career goals.
                              2. Describe information on any research experiences or other relevant experiences you have had and how you believe they have influenced your career in STEM.
                              3. Describe your community service, extra-curricular activities, work experience awards and/or honors.
                              4. Briefly explain the benefits that you expect to derive from a NASA CTSGC Scholarship.

                              * Consult the scoring rubric for more information on how proposals will be evaluated according to these criteria.

                                • One Recommendations (internal or external) – Applicants will be asked to provide email address(es) of recommender(s) in their application. The recommender(s) will be emailed a unique link to provide their recommendation, or they can log into the application site using the provided email address. Their recommendation will be included in the completed application when reviewed by the selection committee. Recommendations are due no later than one week (7 days) after the date applications close for that cycle.
                                • Resume/Curriculum Vitae – One-page maximum.
                                • Student Transcript – Official is preferred; however, unofficial is acceptable if availability at the time of submission is a problem. Transcript must show current course enrollments. Degree audits are not acceptable in lieu of transcript. Please do not upload encrypted files.

                              Applications and further information about NASA CTSGC Grants, Scholarships, and Internships may be obtained from your university/college NASA CTSGC Campus Director. NASA CTSGC actively encourages women, minorities, and those with disabilities to apply for its grants, scholarships, and internships.