Cassini Scientist For a Day Contest
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, is excited to announce that the 2016-17 edition of its Cassini Scientist for a Day essay contest will be taking place this year. Since the Cassini mission to Saturn will be ending on September 15, 2017, this...
Grants Expo 2016
On Friday, October 14th the NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium (CTSGC) hosted its annual Grants Expo in the Pratt & Whitney Museum Hangar in East Hartford, CT. Over 200 individuals attended the event from 20 academic affiliate members. Attendees included...
Fall 2016 Faculty Grant and Student Scholarship Recipients
NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium (CTSGC) announced recipients of one of its Fall 2016 call for proposals during its annual Grants Expo. The funding programs that were part of this award cycle included: Faculty Research, Faculty STEM Education Research, Faculty...