Next Faculty/Student Applications open soon

Faculty & Student RFPs will be available starting Sept. 10, 2024. Complete your application before Oct. 15, 2024 for consideration.

Annual Fall Grants Expo

The 2024 Fall Grants Expo took place on Friday, November 8, 2024 at the New England Air Museum, Windsor Locks, CT.

International Observe the Moon Night

The next International Observe the Moon Night will be September 14, 2024.

New England Air Museum: 2017 SPACE EXPO!

The New England Air Museum is hosting a Space Expo on April 1st, 2017. There will be guest lectures from NASA astronaut Rick Mastracchio. Since joining NASA in 1990, Mastracchio has logged over 200 hours in space! He will be in attendance to share some of his...

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Middle School Students Take Learning Out of This World

  This fall, over 300 students at Two Rivers Magnet Middle School took part in the “Student Spaceflight Experiments Program” (SSEP), partially funded through NASA CTSGC. Of those 300+ students, a single group of five took the top honor of securing a spot on the...

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