Next Faculty/Student Applications open soon

Faculty & Student RFPs will be available starting Sept. 10, 2024. Complete your application before Oct. 15, 2024 for consideration.

Annual Fall Grants Expo

The 2024 Fall Grants Expo took place on Friday, November 8, 2024 at the New England Air Museum, Windsor Locks, CT.

International Observe the Moon Night

The next International Observe the Moon Night will be September 14, 2024.

Amazing photo of Super Typhoon Haiyan from ISS!

SSEP | Student Spaceflight Experiments Program has posted a new item, '3:16 am EST, November 9, 2013, Astronaut Karen Nyberg Photographs Super Typhoon Haiyan from International Space Station' Potentially the strongest hurricane every recorded by humans on planet...

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NASA Weekly Highlights (11-1-13)

Take a look at the latest weekly highlights from NASA! There is an interesting article about the examination of Galaxy growth that compares it to the rings of a tree. SMD Weekly Highlights (11-1-13)

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Message from NASA Administrator Charles Bolden!

Kepler: Reminding the World Why We Continue to Explore    You may view the Administrator’s video message on:   Administrator Bolden’s Message on the Kepler Mission: This week NASA is holding a conference of 400 scientists...

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