Next Faculty/Student Applications open soon

Faculty & Student RFPs will be available starting Sept. 10, 2024. Complete your application before Oct. 15, 2024 for consideration.

Annual Fall Grants Expo

The 2024 Fall Grants Expo took place on Friday, November 8, 2024 at the New England Air Museum, Windsor Locks, CT.

International Observe the Moon Night

The next International Observe the Moon Night will be September 14, 2024.

Fall 2012 Kick-Off

This year's fall Kick-Off event, being held at the Pratt & Whitney Museum HangerĀ is sure to be a fantastic networking opportunity not only for students, but also companies looking for potential interns! Companies expected to attend include Wood Group, CT Corsiar,...

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Featured UNH Engineers

Take a look at this article from the University of New Haven, featuring three Space Grant award recipients: Adam Sipperly, Grace Cotnoir and Lauren Primovic.      

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Mars Science Labratory

  Check out this informative website on the new Mars rover mission being carried out on NASA's "Curiosity".    

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