Next Faculty/Student Applications open soon

Faculty & Student RFPs will be available starting Sept. 10, 2024. Complete your application before Oct. 15, 2024 for consideration.

Annual Fall Grants Expo

The 2024 Fall Grants Expo took place on Friday, November 8, 2024 at the New England Air Museum, Windsor Locks, CT.

International Observe the Moon Night

The next International Observe the Moon Night will be September 14, 2024.

2013 Helicopter/UAS Workshop Applications and Forms

  The next Helicopter/UAS (Unmanned Arial Systems) Workshop supported by the CT Space Grant Consortium will be held on June 16-21, 2013 at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU). Students who currently attend a university or college within the CT Space Grant...

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Job Opportunities at JSC, Ames, and KSC

              Below are job opportunities as of 10/12/12. The Office of Education at Johnson Space Center, Ames, and Kennedy Space Center have several positions open. OSU  Application website: Click "Search...

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Fall 2012 CT Space Grant Newsletter

Click here to view the CSGC Newsletter for Fall 2012!     Highlight hidden text below for the answer to this issue's riddle: ANSWER: This is the smallest, and reported to be the only non-palindromic integer whose cube is a palindrome: 2201^3 = 10662526601...

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