
by | Aug 19, 2019

 The following is a summary of grant awards that will be issued during our Spring 2025 award cycle.  Please read below for more information about these funding opportunities and how to apply prior to completing an application

You may also view the Faculty Request for Proposals (RPF) (revised February, 2025) for further information.

Applications for Spring 2025 Awards will be accepted from 03/03/2025 to 04/30/2025.

NOTE FOR SPRING 2025: Awards are anticipated to be made on/after June 10, 2025 pending the issuance of the new CT Space Grant funding from NASA.

Note About Future Applications: Fall 2025 Applications will tentatively be accepted starting 09/02/2025.


NASA CTSGC Spring 2025 Call for Applications

Award Type Audience Anticipated Number of Awards* Approximate Award Amount
Faculty Research Grant Faculty 10 up to $10,000
Faculty Project Grant Faculty 3 up to $5,000
Faculty STEM Education Research Faculty 2 up to $4,000
Faculty STEM Education Programming Faculty 3 up to $2,000
Faculty Travel Grant Faculty 3 up to $2,000
Curriculum Development Grant Faculty 3 $2,000-$4,000
Faculty-Student Research Grant Faculty 2 up to $14,000 (per team)
Ballooning/CubeSat** Faculty 0 up to $3,000

* These are anticipated number of awards and may be decreased or increased.

** This award is not available for Spring 2025.

Note: All applications are submitted through InfoReady, a second-party platform. You may visit https://ctsgc.infoready4.com/ to see a list of all student and faculty applications at this time and apply through the links provided. If you have questions or problems with your application, you may contact our office at 860-768-4890 or [email protected].

Please do not submit online applications using a mobile device. 


About this award

Award – To encourage faculty participation in research in areas related to the mission of NASA at Connecticut Space Grant Consortium member institutions, the Consortium will award faculty research grants during the program year. Research grants are available to support faculty, staff, postdoctoral fellows, and students in research pursuits. Interdisciplinary collaboration is highly encouraged. Diverse applicants are highly encouraged to apply.

Eligible Activities – Research in any area related to the mission of NASA as illustrated by its Mission Directorates

Eligible Applicants – Full-time Faculty at Consortium Member Institutions are eligible to apply. Full-time research staff, research associates, including postdoctoral fellows are also eligible to apply.

Preference will be given to applicants who:  1) are non-tenured and/or early career, including post-doctoral fellow,  2) who use these funds as seed money,  3) who collaborate with other Consortium members (within CT), and  4) whose research involves/supports students.         

All research must be conducted in person and on-site.

Eligible Budget Items – The budget may include items such as technician and support staff salaries, summer salaries, student stipends, fringe benefits, supplies, and materials. Faculty/staff salary and stipend (including fringe/benefits) may not exceed 50% of the award amount. No indirect costs may be charged to the NASA Grant, however indirect charges may be included within the matching contributions. To avoid duplication with other Consortium Grant programs, travel may not be charged to a Faculty Research Grant. Reminder: Faculty who respond must show a 1:1 cost match ratio. For example, if you are responding to a $10,000 research grant, your budget needs to show $20,000 with a $10,000 match and $10,000 supplied by the Consortium. This is an example only, please refer to our website for current award amount.

Equipment and Supplies – NASA CTSGC funds may not be used for equipment purchases. The definition for equipment is an article of tangible nonexpendable personal property that has a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. General-purpose equipment approved by the NASA Grant Officer. Items below $5,000 are classified as supplies. If essential to the project, NASA CTSGC funds may be used for the purchase of supplies.  NASA CTSGC funds may not be used to purchase computers or tablets. Request for a 3-D printer and/or supplies must be clearly justified and must be essential for the project.

Fund Distribution – Funds will be available upon successful completion of a sub-award to the master agreement between the grant awardee’s institution and the University of Hartford, and then will be paid to the grant awardee’s institution to be distributed according to its policies related to faculty grants. Final payment will be made upon submission and approval of all post-award reporting. Details will be conveyed within the award agreement.

Post award responsibilities

Reporting – A project report will be requested upon completion of the work.  The required reporting link will be sent via email before the completion of the grant period of performance and is also available by logging into the application portal. NASA CTSGC considers a successful project investment in the future of the researcher, their department and the institution.  Therefore, the following outcomes represent success: patents and published papers, increased institutional collaboration, and an increase in the number of proposal submissions.  Each researcher is to inform the Consortium office of publications, patents and proposals that result from their receiving NASA CTSGC funding.

Student Participant Tracking – Tracking of all graduate and undergraduate student participants involved in the supported research is required.  Please use the Direct Participant form for each student.

NASA STEM Gateway – NASA requires tracking of all awardees for Space Grant awards. To aid in tracking applicants, a NASA STEM Gateway profile must be created for each higher education faculty who has either been directly funded or has significantly participated in CTSGC-funded project. If you are awarded (primary investigator) a CTSGC grant, or participated in a research grant or project (direct participant) funded by CTSGC, your NASA STEM Gateway profile is required. All profiles are created directly through the NASA STEM Gateway website and are in addition to any CTSGC reporting required at the completion of a grant. Directions on how to create your profile can be found by clicking here. It is the responsibility of the awardee to ensure that they and any direct participants have created a STEM Gateway profile in order to comply with the terms of the awarded grant.

Poster Session – Faculty will be required to furnish a research poster (template available online) for an annual expo following the completion of their research. The poster will be submitted with the grant report, and the awardee will bring a physical copy to the expo for display.  Details about the annual expo will be communicated closer to the date.

Public Information – This is a federal grant; therefore, information such as title, abstract, names, institution and year will be posted on the NASA CTSGC website and will be kept there for an extended period of time.

New Technology Reporting All NASA contractors, grantees and NASA partners, have an obligation to report new technologies to NASA as required by their agreement.  NASA CTSG requires all applicants to comply with this New Technology Report.  The detailed guidelines are available online and this information is included in the final report form. Communications and questions regarding New Technology Reporting should be directed to the CTSGC office.

Apply for this award

Submit the application and additional forms on the CTSGC website..

  • Applicant Contact/Demographic Information
    * This information is utilized for NASA reporting only.
  • Proposal Information
    • Proposal Abstract (100-word maximum) – includes information relating the proposed project to NASA’s Mission Directorates.
    • Narrative – 6 pages maximum  
      1. Project goals and objectives
      2. Relevance to NASA’s Mission Directorates
      3. Methods and procedures
      4. Timeline
      5. Budget narrative
      6. Evidence of student involvement (Appendix may be included in a separate section, see d below).
      7. Expected outcomes and Assessment Plan

        * Consult the scoring rubric for more information on how proposals will be evaluated according to these criteria.

          • Budget Worksheet – Please be sure to include a Budget Worksheet for each institution involved in collaboration grant proposals. Reminder: Faculty must show a 1:1 cost match ratio.
          • Curriculum Vitae – One-page (maximum) CV is required. (Submissions over page maximum will be rejected.) For collaborative proposals please submit a one-page CV for each team member.
          • Other supporting evidence can be combined and submitted as a single pdf.
        • IMPORTANT REMINDERS:  All federal requirements pass through from the NASA CTSGC’s lead institution, University of Hartford, to all awarded faculty grants. When preparing budget proposals, it may be helpful to reference the Office of Management and Budget Uniform Guidance.

        About this award

        About this award

        Award Details – The goal of a Faculty Project Grant is to support faculty research by supporting faculty with the cost of materials and supplies.  This may be in purchasing consumables to enable more student participation in the research or supplies necessary to expand to new research areas.  This funding may also be used to support undergraduate or graduate research in the PI’s lab, for work that would not otherwise be funded.

        Information – Refer to NASA CTSGC website for the amount and number of awards available each program year. Since this is an institutional award, a subcontract for each institution will be executed.

        Eligible Applicants – Full-time Faculty at Consortium Member Institutions are eligible to apply. Full-time research staff and associates are also eligible to apply.

        Budget – Funds may be used for supplies and materials only. Funds may not be used for travel, equipment/computers, entertainment, entry fees, tuition, salaries, fringe benefits, or indirect costs.  Materials and supplies may be funded up to a maximum of $5,000 (the Consortium reserves the right to adjust funding requests based upon the number and quality of applications). Funds will be paid to the grant awardees’ institution on a reimbursement basis after submission of receipts to the awardee’s affiliate office. Reminder: Faculty who respond must show a 1:1 cost match ratio. For example, if you are responding to a $2,000 project grant, your budget needs to show $4,000 with a $2,000 match and $2,000 supplied by the Consortium. This is an example only, please refer to our website for current award amount.

        Equipment and Supplies – NASA CTSGC funds may not be used for equipment purchases. The definition for equipment is an article of tangible nonexpendable personal property that has a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. General-purpose equipment needs to be approved by the NASA Grant Officer.  Items below $5,000 are classified as supplies. If essential to the project, NASA CTSGC funds may be used for the purchase of supplies.  NASA CTSGC funds may not be used to purchase computers or tablets. Request for a 3-D printer and/or supplies must be clearly justified and must be essential for the project.

        Fund Distribution – Funds will be available upon successful completion of a sub-award to the master agreement between the grant awardee’s institution and the University of Hartford, and then will be paid to the grant awardee’s institution to be distributed according to its policies related to faculty grants. Final payment will be made upon submission and approval of all post-award reporting. Details will be conveyed within the award agreement.

        Post award responsibilities

        Reporting – A project report will be requested upon completion of the work.  The required reporting link will be sent via email before the completion of the grant period of performance and is also available by logging into the application portal.  NASA CTSGC considers a successful project investment in the future of the researcher, their department and the institution.  Therefore, the following outcomes represent success: patents and published papers, increased institutional collaboration, and an increase in the number of proposal submissions. Each researcher is to inform the Consortium office of publications, patents and proposals that result from their receiving NASA CTSGC funding.

        Student Participant Tracking – Tracking of all graduate and undergraduate student participants involved in the supported project is required.  Please use the Direct Participant Form for each student.

        NASA STEM Gateway – NASA requires tracking of all awardees for Space Grant awards. To aid in tracking applicants, a NASA STEM Gateway profile must be created for each higher education faculty who has either been directly funded or has significantly participated in CTSGC-funded project. If you are awarded (primary investigator) a CTSGC grant, or participated in a research grant or project (direct participant) funded by CTSGC, your NASA STEM Gateway profile is required. All profiles are created directly through the NASA STEM Gateway website and are in addition to any CTSGC reporting required at the completion of a grant. Directions on how to create your profile can be found by clicking here. It is the responsibility of the awardee to ensure that they and any direct participants have created a STEM Gateway profile in order to comply with the terms of the awarded grant.

        Poster Session – Faculty will be required to furnish a research poster (template available online) for an annual expo following the completion of their research. The poster will be submitted with the grant report, and the awardee will bring a physical copy to the expo for display.  Details about the annual expo will be communicated closer to the date.

        Public Information – This is a federal grant; therefore, information such as title, abstract, names, institution and year will be posted on the NASA CTSGC website and will be kept there for an extended period of time.

        New Technology Reporting All NASA contractors, grantees and NASA partners, have an obligation to report new technologies to NASA as required by their agreement.  NASA CTSG requires all applicants to comply with this New Technology Report.  The detailed guidelines are available online and this information is included in the final report form. Communications and questions regarding New Technology Reporting should be directed to the CTSGC office.

        Apply for this award

        Submit the application and additional forms on the CTSGC website.

        • Applicant Contact/Demographic Information
          * This information is utilized for NASA reporting only.
        • Proposal Information
          • Proposal Abstract (100 words maximum) – includes information relating the proposed project to NASA’s Mission Directorates.
          • Narrative – 4 pages maximum
            • Project goals and objectives
            • Relevance to NASA’s Mission Directorates
            • Methods and procedures
            • Budget narrative
            • Evidence of student involvement (Appendix maybe added in a separate section, see e below)
            • Expected outcomes and Assessment Plan

          * Consult the scoring rubric for more information on how proposals will be evaluated according to these criteria.

            • Budget Worksheet – Please be sure to include a Budget Worksheet for each institution involved in collaboration grant proposals. Reminder: Faculty must show a 1:1 cost match ratio.
            • Curriculum Vitae – One-page (maximum) CV is required. (Submissions over page maximum will be rejected.) For collaborative proposals please submit a one-page CV for each team member.
            • Other supporting evidence can be combined and submitted as a single pdf.
          • IMPORTANT REMINDERS:  All federal requirements pass through from the NASA CTSGC’s lead institution, University of Hartford, to all awarded faculty grants. When preparing budget proposals, it may be helpful to reference the Office of Management and Budget Uniform Guidance.

          About this award

          Award Details – STEM Education Research: Successful applicants will show a plan to carry out research in the STEM Education field. This research may include but is not limited to: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), K-12 Curriculum Development, K-12 or Higher Education STEM Outcomes, STEM Education Outreach Programs, or Social/Psychological Influences on STEM Education (e.g., gender disparities, educational access, career trajectories, STEM identity, etc.).

          Award Information – Refer to the NASA CTSGC website for the award amount and number of awards available each program year.

          Eligible Applicants – Full-time Faculty at Consortium Member Institutions are eligible to apply. Full-time staff and associates are also eligible to apply. Collaboration with K-12 or other informal education partners is appropriate; however, the PI must be an eligible faculty/staff member of an academic affiliate institution.

          Preference will be given to applicants who 1) are non-tenured and/or early career, 2) who use these funds as seed money, and 3) who collaborate with other CT Consortium members.

          Eligible Budget Items – The budget may include items such as technician and support staff salaries, summer salaries, student stipends, fringe benefits, supplies, and materials.   Funds may not be used for travel, equipment/computers, entertainment, entry fees, or indirect costs. Faculty/staff salary and stipend (including fringe/benefits) may not exceed 50% of the award amount. No indirect costs may be charged to the NASA Grant, however indirect charges may be included within the matching contributions. To avoid duplication with other Consortium Grant programs, travel may not be charged to a STEM Education Research Grant or STEM Education Programming Grant. Reminder: Faculty who respond must show a 1:1 cost match ratio. For example, if you are responding to a $10,000 research grant, your budget needs to show $20,000 with a $10,000 match and $10,000 supplied by the Consortium This is an example only, please refer to our website for current award amount.

          Equipment and Supplies – NASA CTSGC funds may not be used for equipment purchases. The definition for equipment is an article of tangible nonexpendable personal property that has a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. General-purpose equipment needs to be approved by the NASA Grant Officer. Items below $5,000 are classified as supplies. If essential to the project, NASA CTSGC funds may be used for the purchase of supplies.  NASA CTSGC funds may not be used to purchase computers or tablets.

          Fund Distribution – Funds will be available upon successful completion of a sub-award to the master agreement between the grant awardee’s institution and the University of Hartford, and then will be paid to grant awardee’s institution to be distributed according to its policies related to faculty grants. Final payment will be made upon submission and approval of all post-award reporting. Details will be conveyed within the award agreement.

          Post award responsibilities

          Reporting – A project report will be requested upon completion of the work.  The required reporting link will be sent via email before the completion of the grant period of performance and is also available by logging into the application portal. NASA CTSGC considers a successful project investment in the future of the researcher, their department and the institution.  Therefore, the following outcomes represent success: patents and published papers, increased institutional collaboration, and an increase in the number of proposal submissions. Each researcher is to inform the Consortium office of publications, patents and proposals that result from their receiving NASA CTSGC funding.

          Student Participant Tracking – Tracking of all graduate and undergraduate student participants involved in the supported research is required.  Please use the Direct Participant form for each student.

          NASA STEM Gateway – NASA requires tracking of all awardees for Space Grant awards. To aid in tracking applicants, a NASA STEM Gateway profile must be created for each higher education faculty who has either been directly funded or has significantly participated in CTSGC-funded project. If you are awarded (primary investigator) a CTSGC grant, or participated in a research grant or project (direct participant) funded by CTSGC, your NASA STEM Gateway profile is required. All profiles are created directly through the NASA STEM Gateway website and are in addition to any CTSGC reporting required at the completion of a grant. Directions on how to create your profile can be found by clicking here. It is the responsibility of the awardee to ensure that they and any direct participants have created a STEM Gateway profile in order to comply with the terms of the awarded grant.

          Poster Session – Faculty will be required to furnish a research poster (template available online) for an annual expo following the completion of their research. The poster will be submitted with the grant report, and the awardee will bring a physical copy to the expo for display.  Details about the annual expo will be communicated closer to the date.

          Public Information – This is a federal grant; therefore, information such as title, abstract, names, institution and year will be posted on the NASA CTSGC website and will be kept there for an extended period of time.

          Apply for this award

          Submit the application and additional forms on the CTSGC website.

          • Applicant Contact/Demographic Information
            * This information is utilized for NASA reporting only.
          • Proposal Information
            • Proposal Abstract (100-word maximum) – includes information relating the proposed project to NASA’s Mission Directorates.
            • Narrative – 6 pages maximum
              1. Project goals and objectives
              2. Relevance to NASA’s Mission Directorates
              3. Methods and procedures
              4. Timeline
              5. Budget narrative
              6. Evidence of student involvement
              7. Expected outcomes and Assessment Plan

                * Consult the scoring rubric for more information on how proposals will be evaluated according to these criteria.

                  • Budget Worksheet – Please be sure to include a Budget Worksheet for each institution involved in collaboration grant proposals. Reminder: Faculty must show a 1:1 cost match ratio.
                  • Curriculum Vitae – One-page (maximum) CV is required. (Submissions over page maximum will be rejected.) For collaborative proposals please submit a one-page CV for each team member.

                IMPORTANT REMINDERS: All federal requirements pass through from the NASA CTSGC’s lead institution, University of Hartford, to all awarded faculty grants. When preparing budget proposals, it may be helpful to reference the Office of Management and Budget Uniform Guidance.

                About this award

                Award Details – STEM Education Programming: Successful applicants will show a plan to undertake and complete programming related to the STEM Education field.  Funding may be used to support one-time or repeated initiatives that collaborate with other educational, industrial or institutional partners (i.e., high schools, science centers, museums, colleges, businesses) to educate, increase diversity and increase exposure of students to an aspect of STEM education (e.g., careers, fields of study, research, history, emerging technologies). Examples include (but are not limited to) funding to bring a speaker to a high school, develop a program at a museum, hold a science and technology fair, or host a symposium. Programming may take place in higher education, K-12 formal education, or informal education settings.  Applicants must show a plan for implementation, documentation of support of other partners, and methodology for assessment of programmatic outcomes.

                Award Information – Refer to the NASA CTSGC website for the award amount and number of awards available each program year.

                Eligible Applicants – Full-time Faculty at Consortium Member Institutions are eligible to apply. Full-time staff and associates are also eligible to apply.  Collaboration with K-12 or other informal education partners is appropriate; however, the PI must be an eligible faculty/staff member of an academic affiliate institution. 

                Preference will be given to applicants who 1) are non-tenured and/or early career, 2) who use these funds as seed money, 3) who collaborate with other Consortium members (within CT), and 4) whose work involves/supports students.

                Eligible Budget Items – The budget may include items such as technician and support staff salaries, summer salaries, student stipends, fringe benefits, supplies, and materials. Funds may not be used for travel, equipment/computers, entertainment, entry fees, or indirect costs. Faculty/staff salary and stipend (including fringe/benefits) may not exceed 50% of the award amount. No indirect costs may be charged to the NASA Grant, however indirect charges may be included within the matching contributions. To avoid duplication with other Consortium Grant programs, travel may not be charged to a STEM Education Research Grant or STEM Education Programming Grant. Alcohol is not allowed.  Reminder: Faculty who respond must show a 1:1 cost match ratio. For example, if you are responding to a $10,000 research grant, your budget needs to show $20,000 with a $10,000 match and $10,000 supplied by the Consortium. This is an example only, please refer to our website for current award amount.

                Equipment and Supplies – NASA CTSGC funds may not be used for equipment purchases. The definition for equipment is an article of tangible nonexpendable personal property that has a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. General-purpose equipment needs to be approved by the NASA Grant Officer.  Items below $5,000 are classified as supplies. If essential to the project, NASA CTSGC funds may be used for the purchase of supplies.  NASA CTSGC funds may not be used to purchase computers or tablets.

                Fund Distribution – Funds will be available upon successful completion of a sub-award to the master agreement between the grant awardee’s institution and the University of Hartford, and then will be paid to grant awardee’s institution to be distributed according to its policies related to faculty grants. Final payment will be made upon submission and approval of all post-award reporting. Details will be conveyed within the award agreement.

                Post award responsibilities

                Reporting – A project report will be requested upon completion of the work.  The required reporting link will be sent via email before the completion of the grant period of performance and is also available by logging into the application portal. NASA CTSGC considers a successful project investment in the future of the researcher, their department and the institution.  Therefore, the following outcomes represent success: patents and published papers, increased institutional collaboration, and an increase in the number of proposal submissions. Each researcher is to inform the Consortium office of publications, patents and proposals that result from their receiving NASA CTSGC funding.

                Student Participant Tracking – Tracking of all graduate and undergraduate student participants involved in the supported project is required.   Please use the Direct Participant form for each student.

                NASA STEM Gateway – NASA requires tracking of all awardees for Space Grant awards. To aid in tracking applicants, a NASA STEM Gateway profile must be created for each higher education faculty who has either been directly funded or has significantly participated in CTSGC-funded project. If you are awarded (primary investigator) a CTSGC grant, or participated in a research grant or project (direct participant) funded by CTSGC, your NASA STEM Gateway profile is required. All profiles are created directly through the NASA STEM Gateway website and are in addition to any CTSGC reporting required at the completion of a grant. Directions on how to create your profile can be found by clicking here. It is the responsibility of the awardee to ensure that they and any direct participants have created a STEM Gateway profile in order to comply with the terms of the awarded grant.

                Poster Session – Faculty will be required to furnish a research poster (template available online) for an annual expo following the completion of their research. The poster will be submitted with the grant report, and the awardee will bring a physical copy to the expo for display.  Details about the annual expo will be communicated closer to the date.

                Public Information – This is a federal grant; therefore, information such as title, abstract, names, institution and year will be posted on the NASA CTSGC website and will be kept there for an extended period of time.

                Apply for this award

                Submit the application and additional forms via the links on the CTSGC website.

                1. Applicant Contact/Demographic Information
                  * This information is utilized for NASA reporting only.
                2. Proposal Information
                  • Proposal Abstract (100 words maximum) – includes information relating the proposed project to NASA’s Mission Directorates.
                  • Narrative – a 6 page maximum
                    1. Project goals and objectives
                    2. Relevance to NASA’s Mission Directorates
                    3. Methods and procedures
                    4. Timeline
                    5. Budget narrative
                    6. Evidence of student involvement
                    7. Expected outcomes and Assessment Plan

                  * Consult the scoring rubric for more information on how proposals will be evaluated according to these criteria.

                    • Budget Worksheet – Please be sure to include a Budget Worksheet for each institution involved in collaboration grant proposals. Reminder: Faculty must show a 1:1 cost match ratio.
                    • Curriculum Vitae – One-page (maximum) CV is required. (Submissions over page maximum will be rejected.) For collaborative proposals please submit a one-page CV for each team member.

                  IMPORTANT REMINDERS: All federal requirements pass through from the NASA CTSGC’s lead institution, University of Hartford, to all awarded faculty grants. When preparing budget proposals, it may be helpful to reference the Office of Management and Budget Uniform Guidance.

                  About this award

                  The Science and Engineering Community have advocated that curriculum reform must occur on a variety of levels if the United States is to remain internationally competitive.  Areas requiring enhancement to address the needs of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) community include: the topics of the curriculum, the development of a problem-solving learning style, the methods of delivery of instruction, and active student participation in a research environment.

                  The NASA National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program has actively encouraged educators to make those curriculum enhancements, which will more effectively prepare students to become successful students and professionals in STEM disciplines. 

                  Award Details – Curriculum Development or Curriculum Revision/Enhancement Grant:

                  Successful applicants will show a plan to develop or revise/enhance an undergraduate or graduate level college course (amount of award will vary based on the proposal for up to $4,000 for developing a new course, and up to $2,000 for revising or enhancing a current course).  While proposals of creative and innovative merit are actively sought, applicants should be aware that a body of previously developed models exists, and may only need adaptation to a local setting.  There are serious obstacles to curricular reform.  Please be sure to address the following in your proposal:

                  • Develop new course: must present final approval by the institution.
                  • Revise/Enhance current course: must present justifications and approval of college/department for course revision/enhancement.
                  • Faculty support, and
                  • Availability of equipment or facilities.

                  Award Information –Refer to the NASA CTSGC website for the award amount and number of awards available each program year.

                  Eligible Applicants – Full-time Faculty at Consortium Member Institutions are eligible to apply.  Full-time research staff and associates are also eligible to apply, as long as there is a faculty collaborator or Co-PI on the project.

                  Eligible Budget Items – The budget may include items such as technician and support staff salaries, summer salaries, student stipends, fringe benefits, supplies, and materials.  No indirect costs may be charged to the NASA Grant, however indirect charges may be included within the matching contributions but are limited.   To avoid duplication with other Consortium Grant programs, travel may not be charged to a Curriculum Development.  

                  Faculty/staff salary and stipend (including fringe/benefits) may not exceed 50% of the award amount. No indirect costs may be charged to the NASA Grant, however indirect charges may be included within the matching contributions. To avoid duplication with other Consortium Grant programs, travel may not be charged to a STEM Education Research Grant or STEM Education Programming Grant. Reminder: Faculty who respond must show a 1:1 cost match ratio. For example, if you are responding to a $10,000 research grant, your budget needs to show $20,000 with a $10,000 match and $10,000 supplied by the Consortium This is an example only, please refer to our website for current award amount.

                  Equipment and Supplies – NASA CTSGC funds may not be used for equipment purchases. The definition for equipment is an article of tangible nonexpendable personal property that has a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. General-purpose equipment needs to be approved by the NASA Grant Officer. Items below $5,000 are classified as supplies. If essential to the project, NASA CTSGC funds may be used for the purchase of supplies.  NASA CTSGC funds may not be used to purchase computers or tablets.

                  Fund Distribution – Funds will be available upon successful completion of a sub-award to the master agreement between the grant awardee’s institution and the University of Hartford, and then will be paid to grant awardee’s institution to be distributed according to its policies related to faculty grants. Final payment will be made upon submission and approval of all post-award reporting. Details will be conveyed within the award agreement.

                  Post award responsibilities

                  Reporting – A project report will be requested upon completion of the work.  The required reporting link will be sent via email before the completion of the grant period of performance and is also available by logging into the application portal.  NASA CTSGC considers a successful project investment in the future of the researcher, their department and the institution.  Therefore, the following outcomes represent success: patents and published papers, increased institutional collaboration, and an increase in the number of proposal submissions. Each researcher is to inform the Consortium office of publications, patents and proposals that result from their receiving NASA CTSGC funding.

                  Student Participant Tracking – Tracking of all graduate and undergraduate student participants involved in the supported project is required.  Please use the Direct Participant form for each student.

                  NASA STEM Gateway – NASA requires tracking of all awardees for Space Grant awards. To aid in tracking applicants, a NASA STEM Gateway profile must be created for each higher education faculty who has either been directly funded or has significantly participated in CTSGC-funded project. If you are awarded (primary investigator) a CTSGC grant, or participated in a research grant or project (direct participant) funded by CTSGC, your NASA STEM Gateway profile is required. All profiles are created directly through the NASA STEM Gateway website and are in addition to any CTSGC reporting required at the completion of a grant. Directions on how to create your profile can be found by clicking here. It is the responsibility of the awardee to ensure that they and any direct participants have created a STEM Gateway profile in order to comply with the terms of the awarded grant.

                  Poster Session – Faculty will be required to furnish a research poster (template available online) for an annual expo following the completion of their research. The poster will be submitted with the grant report, and the awardee will bring a physical copy to the expo for display.  Details about the annual expo will be communicated closer to the date.

                  Public Information – This is a federal grant; therefore, information such as title, abstract, names, institution and year will be posted on the NASA CTSGC website and will be kept there for an extended period of time.

                  New Technology Reporting All NASA contractors, grantees and NASA partners, have an obligation to report new technologies to NASA as required by their agreement.  NASA CTSG requires all applicants to comply with this New Technology Report.  The detailed guidelines are available online and this information is included in the final report form. Communications and questions regarding New Technology Reporting should be directed to the CTSGC office.

                  Apply for this award

                  Submit the application and additional forms on the CTSGC website.

                  • Applicant Contact/Demographic Information
                    * This information is utilized for NASA reporting only.
                  • Proposal Information
                    • Proposal Abstract (100 words maximum) – includes information relating the proposed project to NASA’s Mission Directorates.
                    • Narrative – 4 pages maximum
                      1. Project goals and objectives
                      2. Relevance to NASA’s Mission Directorates
                      3. Methods and procedures
                      4. Budget narrative
                      5. Evidence of student involvement (Appendix maybe added in a separate section, see e below)
                      6. Expected outcomes and Assessment Plan

                      * Consult the scoring rubric for more information on how proposals will be evaluated according to these criteria.

                        • Budget Worksheet – Please be sure to include a Budget Worksheet for each institution involved in collaboration grant proposals. Reminder: Faculty must show a 1:1 cost match ratio.
                        • Curriculum Vitae – One-page (maximum) CV is required. (Submissions over page maximum will be rejected.) For collaborative proposals please submit a one-page CV for each team member.
                        • Other supporting evidence can be combined and submitted as a single pdf.

                      IMPORTANT REMINDERS: All federal requirements pass through from the NASA CTSGC’s lead institution, University of Hartford, to all awarded faculty grants. When preparing budget proposals, it may be helpful to reference the Office of Management and Budget Uniform Guidance.

                      About this award

                      Award Details – To encourage travel to NASA facilities to use their unique resources, and present Space Grant and NASA funded research at conferences, the NASA CTSGC awards travel grants. During the Space Grant program year, the Consortium expects to award multiple travel grants, based upon available funding.

                      Award Information – Refer to NASA CTSGC website for the amount and number of awards available each program year. Since this is an institutional award, a subcontract for each institution will be executed.

                      Eligible Travel – Domestic travel supported by travel grants may include, but is not limited to, trips to NASA facilities to use specialized research equipment, trips to NASA Centers to discuss collaborations with NASA scientists and engineers, attendance at pre-proposal conferences sponsored by NASA, presentation of Space Grant funded research at conferences, giving plenary  or invited papers at conferences presenting NASA- or Space Grant-related research, visits by NASA scientists/engineers to campuses for research collaboration. This award is not to attend a conference for networking or non-presenting purposes. Invitations/letters/acceptance/etc. should be included in application when possible. NASA CTSGC only supports domestic travel.

                      Eligible Applicants – Full-time Faculty at Consortium Member Institutions are eligible to apply. Full-time research staff and associates are also eligible to apply.

                      Budget – The Consortium reserves the right to adjust funding requests based upon the number and quality of applications. Funds will be paid to the grant awardees’ institution at the conclusion of the trip on a reimbursement basis after submission of receipts to the awardee’s affiliate office. Alcohol and personal care items are not allowed. No travel advances are allowed. Reminder: Faculty who respond must show a 1:1 cost match ratio. For example, if you are responding to a $1,000 travel grant, your budget needs to show $2,000 with a $1,000 match and $1,000 supplied by the Consortium. This is an example only, please refer to our website for current award amount.

                      Fund Distribution – Funds will be available upon successful completion of a sub-award to the master agreement between the grant awardee’s institution and the University of Hartford, and then will be paid to the grant awardee’s institution to be distributed according to its policies related to faculty grants. Final payment will be made upon submission and approval of all post-award reporting. Details will be conveyed within the award agreement.

                      Post award responsibilities

                      Reporting – A project report will be requested upon completion of the travel.  The required reporting link will be sent via email before the completion of the grant period of performance and is also available by logging into the application portal. NASA CTSGC considers a successful project investment in the future of the researcher, their department and the institution.  Therefore, the following outcomes represent success: patents and published papers, increased institutional collaboration, and an increase in the number of proposal submissions. Each researcher is to inform the Consortium office of publications, patents and proposals that result from their receiving NASA CTSGC funding.

                      Student Participant Tracking – Tracking of all graduate and undergraduate student participants involved in the supported project/travel is required.   Please use the Direct Participant form for each student. for each student.

                      NASA STEM Gateway – NASA requires tracking of all awardees for Space Grant awards. To aid in tracking applicants, a NASA STEM Gateway profile must be created for each higher education faculty who has either been directly funded or has significantly participated in CTSGC-funded project. If you are awarded (primary investigator) a CTSGC grant, or participated in a research grant or project (direct participant) funded by CTSGC, your NASA STEM Gateway profile is required. All profiles are created directly through the NASA STEM Gateway website and are in addition to any CTSGC reporting required at the completion of a grant. Directions on how to create your profile can be found by clicking here. It is the responsibility of the awardee to ensure that they and any direct participants have created a STEM Gateway profile in order to comply with the terms of the awarded grant.

                      Poster Session – Faculty will be required to furnish a research poster (template available online) for an annual expo following the completion of their research. The poster will be submitted with the grant report, and the awardee will bring a physical copy to the expo for display.  Details about the annual expo will be communicated closer to the date.

                      Public Information – This is a federal grant; therefore, information such as title, abstract, names, institution and year will be posted on the NASA CTSGC website and will be kept there for an extended period of time.

                      Apply for this award

                      Submit the application and additional forms via the links on the CTSGC website.

                      • Applicant Contact/Demographic Information
                        * This information is utilized for NASA reporting only.
                      • Proposal Information
                      1. Proposal Abstract (100 words maximum) – includes information relating the proposed project to NASA’s Mission Directorates.
                      2. Narrative –a 2 page maximum. Outline description and rationale for the travel, and how you will fund the travel if you do not receive full Space Grant funding.

                        * Consult the scoring rubric for more information on how proposals will be evaluated according to these criteria.

                        1. Budget Worksheet – Please be sure to include a Budget Worksheet for each institution involved in collaboration grant proposals.  Reminder: Faculty must show a 1:1 cost match ratio.
                        2. Curriculum Vitae – One-page (maximum) CV is required. (Submissions over page maximum will be rejected.) For collaborative proposals please submit a one-page CV for each team member.

                        IMPORTANT REMINDERS: All federal requirements pass through from the NASA CTSGC’s lead institution, University of Hartford, to all awarded faculty grants. When preparing budget proposals, it may be helpful to reference the Office of Management and Budget Uniform Guidance.

                        About this award

                        Award Details – To encourage small groups led by faculty to travel to NASA facilities to use their unique resources, and present Space Grant and NASA funded research at conferences, the NASA CTSGC awards travel grants.

                        Award Information –This grant is awarded on a rolling basis based on available funds.  Since this is an institutional award, a subcontract for each institution will be executed.

                        Eligible Travel – Domestic travel supported by group travel grants may include, but is not limited to, trips to NASA facilities to use specialized research equipment, trips to NASA Centers to discuss collaborations with NASA scientists and engineers, attendance at pre-proposal conferences sponsored by NASA, presentation of Space Grant funded research at conferences, giving plenary  or invited papers at conferences presenting NASA- or Space Grant-related research, visits by NASA scientists/engineers to campuses for research collaboration. This award is not to attend a conference for networking or non-presenting purposes. Invitations/letters/acceptance/etc. should be included in application when possible. NASA CTSGC only supports domestic travel.

                        Eligible Applicants – Full-time Faculty at Consortium Member Institutions are eligible to apply. Full-time research staff and associates are also eligible to apply. Student travelers must be US Citizens and full-time students at Consortium Member Institutions.

                        Budget – The Consortium reserves the right to adjust funding requests based upon the number and quality of applications. Funds will be paid to the grant awardees’ institution at the conclusion of the trip on a reimbursement basis after submission of receipts to the awardee’s affiliate office. Alcohol and personal care items are not allowed. No travel advances are allowed. Reminder: Faculty who respond must show a 1:1 cost match ratio. For example, if you are responding to a $1,000 travel grant, your budget needs to show $2,000 with a $1,000 match and $1,000 supplied by the Consortium. This is an example only.

                        Fund Distribution – Funds will be available upon successful completion of a sub-award to the master agreement between the grant awardee’s institution and the University of Hartford, and then will be paid to the grant awardee’s institution to be distributed according to its policies related to faculty grants. Final payment will be made upon submission and approval of all post-award reporting. Details will be conveyed within the award agreement.

                        Post award responsibilities

                        Reporting – A project report will be requested upon completion of the travel.  The required reporting link will be sent via email before the completion of the grant period of performance and is also available by logging into the application portal. NASA CTSGC considers a successful project investment in the future of the researcher, their department and the institution.  Therefore, the following outcomes represent success: patents and published papers, increased institutional collaboration, and an increase in the number of proposal submissions. Each researcher is to inform the Consortium office of publications, patents and proposals that result from their receiving NASA CTSGC funding.

                        Student Participant Tracking – Tracking of all graduate and undergraduate student participants involved in the supported project/travel is required.   Please use the Direct Participant form for each student. for each student.

                        NASA STEM Gateway – NASA requires tracking of all awardees and participants (i.e. travelers) for Space Grant awards. To aid in tracking applicants, a NASA STEM Gateway profile must be created for each higher education faculty who has either been directly funded or has significantly participated in CTSGC-funded project. If you are awarded (primary investigator) a CTSGC grant, or participated in a research grant or project (direct participant) funded by CTSGC, your NASA STEM Gateway profile is required. All profiles are created directly through the NASA STEM Gateway website and are in addition to any CTSGC reporting required at the completion of a grant. Directions on how to create your profile can be found by clicking here. It is the responsibility of the awardee to ensure that they and any direct participants have created a STEM Gateway profile in order to comply with the terms of the awarded grant.

                        Poster Session – Faculty will be required to furnish a poster (template available online) for an annual expo following the completion of their travel. The poster will be submitted with the grant report, and the awardee will bring a physical copy to the expo for display.  Details about the annual expo will be communicated closer to the date.

                        Public Information – This is a federal grant; therefore, information such as title, abstract, names, institution and year will be posted on the NASA CTSGC website and will be kept there for an extended period of time.

                        Apply for this award

                        Submit the application and additional forms via the links on the CTSGC website.

                        • Applicant Contact/Demographic Information
                          * This information is utilized for NASA reporting only.
                        • Proposal Information
                        1. Proposal Abstract (100 words maximum) – includes information relating the proposed project to NASA’s Mission Directorates.
                        2. Narrative –a 2 page maximum. Outline description and rationale for the travel, and how you will fund the travel if you do not receive full Space Grant funding.
                            • Travelers: Your narrative must include the name(s) and role(s) of each traveler. Your narrative should describe the input of each traveler to the project and how that relates to travel. The narrative should also designate whether or not the traveler is essential or optional (budget-permitting) for travel.

                          * Consult the scoring rubric for more information on how proposals will be evaluated according to these criteria.

                          1. Budget Worksheet – Please be sure to include a Budget Worksheet for each institution involved in collaboration grant proposals.  Reminder: Faculty must show a 1:1 cost match ratio.
                          2. Curriculum Vitae – One-page (maximum) CV is required. (Submissions over page maximum will be rejected.) For group proposals please submit a one-page CV for each team member (must be combined as one upload).

                          IMPORTANT REMINDERS: All federal requirements pass through from the NASA CTSGC’s lead institution, University of Hartford, to all awarded faculty grants. When preparing budget proposals, it may be helpful to reference the Office of Management and Budget Uniform Guidance.

                          Not available for 2024/2025 applications

                          About this award

                          Award Details – The goal of a High-Altitude Ballooning/CubeSat (HAB/C) Seed Grant is to support faculty development of high-altitude ballooning and/or CubeSat development on a CTSG Affiliate campus.  This funding will help create infrastructure and a base of knowledge for continued activity at the campus after the end of this grant period.  Funding may be used to purchase materials and supplies, perform research, and support student stipends.    With the upcoming US eclipses in 2023 and 2024, and planned participation in CT, CTSG aims to introduce ballooning to all levels of students.

                          Information – Refer to NASA CTSGC website for the amount and number of awards available each program year. Since this is an institutional award, a subcontract for each institution will be executed.

                          Eligible Applicants – Full-time Faculty at Consortium Member Institutions are eligible to apply. Full-time research staff and associates are also eligible to apply.

                          Eligible Budget Items – Funds may be used for supplies and materials, student stipends, and local travel reimbursement. Funds may not be used for faculty stipend and/or fringe, equipment/computers, entertainment, or indirect costs.  Funds will be paid to the grant awardees’ institution on a reimbursement basis after submission of receipts to the awardee’s affiliate office. Reminder: Faculty who respond must show a 1:1 cost match ratio. For example, if you are responding to a $2,000 grant, your budget needs to show $4,000 with a $2,000 match and $2,000 supplied by the Consortium.  This is an example only, please refer to our website for current award amount.

                          Equipment and Supplies – NASA CTSGC funds may not be used for equipment purchases. The definition for equipment is an article of tangible nonexpendable personal property that has a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. General-purpose equipment needs to be approved by the NASA Grant Officer.  Items below $5,000 are classified as supplies. If essential to the project, NASA CTSGC funds may be used for the purchase of supplies.  NASA CTSGC funds may not be used to purchase computers or tablets.

                          Fund Distribution – Funds will be available upon successful completion of a sub-award to the master agreement between the grant awardee’s institution and the University of Hartford, and then will be paid to the grant awardee’s institution to be distributed according to its policies related to faculty grants. Final payment will be made upon submission and approval of all post-award reporting. Details will be conveyed within the award agreement.

                          Post award responsibilities

                          Reporting – A project report will be requested upon completion of the work.  The required reporting link will be sent via email before the completion of the grant period of performance and is also available by logging into the application portal..  NASA CTSGC considers a successful project investment in the future of the researcher, their department and the institution.  Therefore, the following outcomes represent success: patents and published papers, increased institutional collaboration, and an increase in the number of proposal submissions. Each researcher is to inform the Consortium office of publications, patents and proposals that result from their receiving NASA CTSGC funding.

                          Student Participant Tracking – Tracking of all graduate and undergraduate student participants involved in the supported project is required.  Please use the Direct Participant form for each student.

                          NASA STEM Gateway – NASA requires tracking of all awardees for Space Grant awards. To aid in tracking applicants, a NASA STEM Gateway profile must be created for each higher education faculty who has either been directly funded or has significantly participated in CTSGC-funded project. If you are awarded (primary investigator) a CTSGC grant, or participated in a research grant or project (direct participant) funded by CTSGC, your NASA STEM Gateway profile is required. All profiles are created directly through the NASA STEM Gateway website and are in addition to any CTSGC reporting required at the completion of a grant. Directions on how to create your profile can be found by clicking here. It is the responsibility of the awardee to ensure that they and any direct participants have created a STEM Gateway profile in order to comply with the terms of the awarded grant.

                          Poster Session – Faculty will be required to furnish a research poster (template available online) for an annual expo following the completion of their research. The poster will be submitted with the grant report, and the awardee will bring a physical copy to the expo for display.  Details about the annual expo will be communicated closer to the date.

                          Public Information – This is a federal grant; therefore, information such as title, abstract, names, institution and year will be posted on the NASA CTSGC website and will be kept there for an extended period of time.

                          New Technology Reporting All NASA contractors, grantees and NASA partners, have an obligation to report new technologies to NASA as required by their agreement.  NASA CTSG requires all applicants to comply with this New Technology Report.  The detailed guidelines are available online and this information is included in the final report form. Communications and questions regarding New Technology Reporting should be directed to the CTSGC office.

                          Apply for this award

                          Submit the application and additional forms on the CTSGC website

                          • Applicant Contact/Demographic Information
                            * This information is utilized for NASA reporting only.
                          • Proposal Information
                            • Proposal Abstract (100 words maximum) – includes information relating the proposed project to NASA’s Mission Directorates.
                            • Narrative – 4 pages maximum  
                              1. Project goals and objectives
                              2. Relevance to NASA’s Mission Directorates
                              3. Methods and procedures
                              4. Budget narrative
                              5. Evidence of student involvement (Appendix maybe added in a separate section, see e below)
                              6. Expected outcomes and Assessment Plan

                          * Consult the scoring rubric for more information on how proposals will be evaluated according to these criteria.

                            • Budget Worksheet – Please be sure to include a Budget Worksheet for each institution involved in collaboration grant proposals. Reminder: Faculty must show a 1:1 cost match ratio.
                            • Curriculum Vitae – One-page (maximum) CV is required. (Submissions over page maximum will be rejected.) For collaborative proposals please submit a one-page CV for each team member.
                            • Other supporting evidence can be combined and submitted as a single pdf.

                          IMPORTANT REMINDERS:  All federal requirements pass through from the NASA CTSGC’s lead institution, University of Hartford, to all awarded faculty grants. When preparing budget proposals, it may be helpful to reference the Office of Management and Budget Uniform Guidance.

                          About this award

                          To encourage undergraduate student engagement in the research process, NASA CTSGC has created a Student-Faculty Research Grant. This grant will enable undergraduate students to gain meaningful research experience in NASA CTSGC Affiliate research laboratories in areas consistent with the mission of NASA as exemplified by its Mission Directorates. They are Aeronautics Research, Human Exploration and Operations, Science, and Space Technology.

                          The award will support two undergraduate students (one from a 4-year institution and the other from a community college) with a stipend and provide a small stipend for the faculty advisor.  If the research is happening over the summer, the project should span a minimum of 8-weeks in length, where students work full-time on the project.  If the project is to be completed during the academic year, students and PI must present a plan to obtain approximately 320 hours of commitment to the project.

                          Award Information – Refer to the NASA CTSGC website for the amount and number of awards available each program year. Since this is an institutional award, a subcontract for each lead institution will be executed.

                          Eligible Activities – Research in any area related to the mission of NASA as illustrated by its Mission Directorates.

                          Eligible Applicants Faculty: Full-time faculty or research staff at Consortium Member Institutions are eligible to apply. Student: Undergraduate student applicants must be U.S. citizens and full-time students at the time of application at one of the Consortium Member Institutions with a strong academic record. All research must be conducted in person and on-site.

                          Eligible Budget Items – The budget is limited to include only student ($6,000 per student for these two students) and faculty/staff stipend ($2,000, including fringe and benefits). No indirect costs may be charged to the grant, however indirect charges may be included within the matching contributions. When preparing budget proposals, it may be helpful to reference the Office of Management and Budget Uniform Guidance.

                          Please Note: Faculty must show a minimum $8,000 cost match within the budget. Cost match may include direct costs for additional students or staff, or in-kind match such as lab space, equipment rental, equipment & supplies, and mentoring time (above and beyond the equivalent of $2,000 stipend.)

                          Fund Distribution – Funds will be available upon successful completion of a sub-award to the master agreement between the grant awardee’s institution and the University of Hartford, and then will be paid to the grant awardee’s institution to be distributed according to its policies related to faculty grants. Final payment will be made upon submission and approval of all post-award reporting. Details will be conveyed within the award agreement.

                          Post award responsibilities

                          Reporting – A project report will be requested upon completion of the work.  The required reporting link will be sent via email before the completion of the grant period of performance and is also available by logging into the application portal. NASA CTSGC considers a successful project investment in the future of the researcher, their department and the institution.  Therefore, the following outcomes represent success: patents and published papers, increased institutional collaboration, and an increase in the number of proposal submissions. Each researcher is to inform the Consortium office of publications, patents and proposals that result from their receiving NASA CTSGC funding.

                          Student Participant Tracking – Tracking of all graduate and undergraduate student participants involved in the supported research is required.   Please use the Direct Participant form for each student. for each student.

                          NASA STEM Gateway – NASA requires tracking of all awardees for Space Grant awards. To aid in tracking applicants, a NASA STEM Gateway profile must be created for each higher education faculty who has either been directly funded or has significantly participated in CTSGC-funded project. If you are awarded (primary investigator) a CTSGC grant, or participated in a research grant or project (direct participant) funded by CTSGC, your NASA STEM Gateway profile is required. All profiles are created directly through the NASA STEM Gateway website and are in addition to any CTSGC reporting required at the completion of a grant. Directions on how to create your profile can be found by clicking here. It is the responsibility of the awardee to ensure that they and any direct participants have created a STEM Gateway profile in order to comply with the terms of the awarded grant.

                          Poster Session – Faculty will be required to furnish a research poster (template available online) for an annual expo following the completion of their research. The poster will be submitted with the grant report, and the awardee will bring a physical copy to the expo for display.  Details about the annual expo will be communicated closer to the date.

                          Public Information – This is a federal grant; therefore, information such as title, abstract, names, institution and year will be posted on the NASA CTSGC website and will be kept there for an extended period of time.

                          New Technology Reporting All NASA contractors, grantees and NASA partners, have an obligation to report new technologies to NASA as required by their agreement.  NASA CTSG requires all applicants to comply with this New Technology Report.  The detailed guidelines are available online and this information is included in the final report form. Communications and questions regarding New Technology Reporting should be directed to the CTSGC office.

                          Apply for this award

                          A joint student/faculty application must be submitted by the faculty member on the CTSGC website.

                          Attention Faculty PI: If you need assistance in recruiting a community college student to work on your team, (1) please complete the Student-Faculty Summer Research Project proposal form, located on the NASA CTSG website and (2) forward this document to the NASA CTSG Office and campus directors for local community colleges (contact information available on NASA CTSGC website).

                          • Applicant Contact/Demographic Information
                            * This information is utilized for NASA reporting only.
                          • Proposal Information
                            • Proposal Abstract (100 words maximum) – includes information relating the proposed project to NASA’s Mission Directorates.
                            • Narrative – 6 pages maximum. The narrative should include the following:
                              1. Project goals and objectives
                              2. Relationship to NASA’s Mission Directorates
                              3. Methodology
                              4. Timeline
                              5. Role of student researchers
                              6. Expected outcomes
                                • Budget Worksheet: Download the Budget Worksheet from NASA CTSGC website. Reminder: Faculty must show a minimum $8,000 cost match.
                                • Curriculum Vitae: One-page (maximum) CV is required. (Submissions over page maximum will be rejected.)
                              • Student Proposal Information Each student must individually submit the following:
                                • Narrative – 1 page maximum. Please include the following sections
                                  1. Purpose and objectives
                                  2. Career potential
                                1. Student Transcript – Official is preferred; however, unofficial is acceptable.
                                2. Resume/Curriculum Vitae – One-page (maximum) CV is required. (Submissions over page maximum will be rejected.)

                              IMPORTANT REMINDERS:  All federal requirements pass through from the NASA CTSGC’s lead institution, University of Hartford, to all awarded faculty grants. When preparing budget proposals, it may be helpful to reference the Office of Management and Budget Uniform Guidance.

                              About this program

                              The goal of the Community College Quadcopter Challenge (CCQC) is to support a community college based programs in order to improve STEM recruitment and retention, primarily of underserved populations. This program is designed to:

                              1. Increase the number of community college students who graduate with STEM degrees and/or transfer to STEM programs at 4-year institutions,
                              2. Increase the ability of community college faculty members to deliver aerospace-related content in areas of interest to NASA, and
                              3. Enhance the diversity (race/ethnicity and gender) of students pursing STEM fields at Connecticut community college

                               These objectives will be accomplished by the use of small model quadcopters in competitions between student design groups from the Connecticut community colleges. Faculty advisors from our Academic Affiliate community colleges will lead these design groups.

                              Award – Five teams will be supported to participate in the CCQC.  Teams of five students will be selected to participate, each advised by a community college faculty member.  The NASA CTSGC will make available a special RFP for this challenge with all the requirements. The document can be found on the NASA CTSGC website.

                              Eligible Applicants Faculty: Full-time faculty or research staff at Consortium Member Community Colleges are eligible to apply. Student: Community college student applicants must be full-time students at the advisor’s institution with a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher. Up to five students per team.  The team make-up must reflect the NASA CTSGC diversity goals – at least 40% women and at least 20% under represented.


                              Post award responsibilities

                              Reporting – Two reports must be completed at the end of the challenge.  Students must submit a technical report, and the faculty advisor must complete the Higher Education Project report.  The required reporting format is available on the NASA CTSGC website.

                              Student Participant Tracking – Tracking of student participants involved in the supported project is required.  Please use the ‘Direct Participant’ form for each student.

                              Demonstration Day – Faculty and students will be required to participate in the Challenge Day, to demonstrate their work at a location set by the Consortium Director late in the Spring Semester.

                              Poster Session – The winning team will be required to furnish a joint research/project poster for an annual forum following the completion of the competition. Details will be communicated closer to the date.

                              Public Information – This is a federal grant; therefore information such as title, abstract, names, institution and year will be posted on the NASA CTSGC website and will be kept there for an extended period of time.

                               Apply for this award

                              A Letter of Intent (LOI) must be submitted to the CTSGC office.  Following acceptance of the LOI, a joint student/faculty application must be submitted by the faculty advisor, following NASA CTSGC web-submission guidelines. (This information will be communicated to you from the CTSG Office.)  Required components of the application will be available through a special RFP with all the details stipulated on the NASA CTSGC website.


                              Applications and further information about NASA CTSGC opportunities may be obtained from your university/college NASA CTSGC Campus Director.  NASA CTSGC actively encourages women, minorities, and those with disabilities to apply for its grants, scholarships, and internships.