Fall 2012 CT Space Grant Newsletter

Click here to view the CSGC Newsletter for Fall 2012!     Highlight hidden text below for the answer to this issue’s riddle: ANSWER: This is the smallest, and reported to be the only non-palindromic integer whose cube is a palindrome: 2201^3 =...

Hartford Courant Video and Article

Check out this video and article on the Hartford Courant website! http://www.courant.com/business/hc-future-of-space-exploration-and-connecticuts-role-20120823,0,149188.story See CT Space Grant Consortium Program Director Dr. Tom Filburn talk about the program. Also...

Fall 2012 Kick-Off

This year’s fall Kick-Off event, being held at the Pratt & Whitney Museum Hanger is sure to be a fantastic networking opportunity not only for students, but also companies looking for potential interns! Companies expected to attend include Wood Group, CT...

Featured UNH Engineers

Take a look at this article from the University of New Haven, featuring three Space Grant award recipients: Adam Sipperly, Grace Cotnoir and Lauren Primovic.   http://www.newhaven.edu/news-events/news-releases/408832/      ...

Mars Science Labratory

  Check out this informative website on the new Mars rover mission being carried out on NASA’s “Curiosity”.   http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl/    ...