Fall 2012 Kick-Off

This year’s fall Kick-Off event, being held at the Pratt & Whitney Museum Hanger is sure to be a fantastic networking opportunity not only for students, but also companies looking for potential interns! Companies expected to attend include Wood Group, CT...

2012 Award Ceremony

This past weekend, we held our annual Space Grant Award Ceremony at the New England Air Museum and had our biggest turnout yet! Eighty-eight award winners, faculty, and family members showed up to the museum, where they enjoyed a few snacks, a wonderful guest speaker,...

Space Day- April 1st, 2012

This year, April 1st has been named NASA Space Day by Governor Dan Malloy.  This is to recognize Connecticut’s role in and contributions to the aerospace industry. Special thanks to the Discovery Museum, the New England Air Museum, and the CT Science Center. New...

Spotlight on: Helicopter Workshop

The deadline for fall applications is quickly approaching, and with it is the ending of your chance to take advantage of a great opportunity. The Helicopter Workshop next summer promises to be just as life changing and rewarding as years past, so make sure you apply...