Application Now Available

The Academies are intensive educational programs which emphasize group activities, teamwork, research, leadership and creativity. The curriculum balances direct contact with science and engineering R & D with an awareness of the managerial, political, financial, social and human issues faced by aerospace professionals. Included are seminars, informal discussions, evening lectures, supervised research, visits to other NASA Centers and facilities, group project/s, tours, posters/presentations, and assessment. Additionally, most weekends are filled with group activities, team building and off-site trips. One free weekend is scheduled.

The Academy is not a 9-5 summer research internship program. It is a rigorous, immersive experience that will challenge you and push you outside of your comfort zones. It offers participants an intense learning experience that is either Space- or Aeronautics-based. All academy students will be immersed in a NASA environment where they will experience the agency from both inside and outside perspectives. Additionally, added interaction with NASA collaborators in industry and academia will provide unique, exciting and unforgettable summer experience designed to engage and capture students within the NASA family.

  • Application Deadline: February 6, 2012
  • Application Review: January 27 – February 29, 2012.
  • Offers to successful candidates: First two weeks of March.
  • Start date of summer internship: June (actual date varies by program)