NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium (CTSGC) announced recipients of one of its Fall 2016 call for proposals during its annual Grants Expo. The funding programs that were part of this award cycle included: Faculty Research, Faculty STEM Education Research, Faculty STEM Education Programming, Faculty Travel, Undergraduate Scholarship, Community College Transfer Scholarship, and Community College Scholarship. Award recipients span 13 NASA CTSGC academic affiliate member institutions. Below are the names of recipients and description of projects. Congratulations to all the awardees!
Faculty Research
Brendan Cunningham, Assistant Professor
Eastern Connecticut State University
“The Efficient Use of Space Orbit”
This project looks at the inefficiencies with the use of earth orbit and how launch satellites are decided by satellite operators. There will be an analysis of the strategies satellite operators use in response to allocation mechanisms that may allow the satellite services to improve.
Andrea Kwaczala, Assistant Professor
University of Hartford
“Using Acoustic Waves as a Therapeutic Tool to Mitigate Bone Loss During Spaceflight”
A device will be developed that can eliminate microgravity-induced bone loss effects. It will be applying acoustic waves to the growth of stem cells in vitrowith the use of biosensors, automation and telemedicine.
Jillian Smith-Carpenter, Assistant Professor
Fairfield University
“Characterization of Dithiolane-Modified Self-Assembly Structures”
Dithiolane-modified peptides will be synthesized, purified, and characterized. This will allow the relationship between pH and the supramolecular peptide self-assembly structures to be investigated.
Bryan Weber, Assistant Professor
University of Connecticut
“Measurement of Chemical Pathways During Autoignition at High Pressure”
A system with the ability to measure species fractions during autoignition will be developed. Gas samples will be collected by the system from a rapid compression machine at a high pressure. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry will allow a species will be identified and quantified.
Faculty STEM Education Research
Nancy DeJarnette, Assistant Professor
University of Bridgeport
“Children’s Engineering K-5 Initiative”
While working with an urban high-needs K-8 school, professional development and in-class support for STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) will be provided. Whether the rate of STEAM implementation increases and becomes more permanent will be looked at as well.
Faculty STEM Education Programming
Alison Draper, Director (Science Center)
Trinity College
“Tech Savvy 2017 Conference for Girls”
The Center for Interdisciplinary Science at Trinity College will work to have a collaborative day to encourage Connecticut middle school girls to become involved in STEM fields.
Faculty Travel
Amanda Harper-Leatherman, Assistant Professor
Fairfield University
Undergraduate Scholarship
Dylan Bernard
Central Connecticut State University
Jalal-ud-din Butt
Central Connecticut State University
Daniel Cataldo
University of Connecticut
Kevin Connolly
Eastern Connecticut State University
Meagan Ferreira
University of Connecticut
Rami Hamati
Wesleyan University
Ravina Hingorani
Fairfield University
Christopher Hollaway
Central Connecticut State University
Alicia Lynn
Central Connecticut State University
David Machado
Wesleyan University
Anthony Mastromarino
University of Hartford
Samuel Nguyen
Fairfield University
Tristan Peirce
Trinity College
Kailey Pisko
Eastern Connecticut State University
Austin Thomas
New Haven University
Christina Welch
Eastern Connecticut State University
Michael Wright
Fairfield University
Community College Transfer Scholarship
Andrew St. Amand
Central Connecticut State University
Emina Hodzic
University of Hartford
Sarah Kurtz
Fairfield University
Community College Scholarship
Josiel Batista
Naugatuck Valley Community College
Elaina Becher
Quinebaug Valley Community College
Lydia Gjuraj
Naugatuck Valley Community College
Lindsey Japa
Naugatuck Valley Community College
Jody Jarvella
Naugatuck Valley Community College
Donato Piroscafo
Gateway Community College
Levi Reynolds
Naugatuck Valley Community College
Andre Roscoe
Naugatuck Valley Community College
Lanaya Shuler
Naugatuck Valley Community College
William Perry Weingart
Northwestern Connecticut Community College