NASA CTSGC anticipates awarding up to 18 summer internships for Summer 2018. NASA CTSGC has already begun collecting summer internship projects from industry, organization, and museum partners. We anticipate placing internship project/site information on our website by November 15th (follow us on Twitter to receive announcements). Internship project/site information will contain details such as: organization and location, project title, start/end dates (must be a minimum of 8 weeks for a total of approximately 400 hours), brief project description (3 – 5), and required/desired qualifications. Applicants will use this information to rank-order specific internship projects.
In the meantime, potential applicants should visit their career center offices to update their resumes and seek tips on interviewing, and begin preparing their summer internship program application as stipulated in the Student Programs Request for Proposals: Academic Year 2017-2018.
The following is the anticipated timeline of NASA CTSGC’s Summer 2018 Industrial and Education, and Technical Internships Program
- October 5th – October 30th: NASA CTSGC solicits internship projects from industry, organizations, museum partners
- By November 15th: Internship projects posted on NASA CTSGC website
- By December 1st: Students apply to specific project(s) following the NASA CTSGC ‘Cover Sheet’ (see Forms page)
- December 15th – January 31st: Preselected students are interviewed by industry, organizations, museum partners
- By February 15th: NASA CTSGC selects funded projects/students and notifies award recipients
- By February 22nd: NASA CTSGC Summer 2018 Industrial and Education, and Technical Internships Program recipient announcement placed on NASA CTSGC website
If you have any questions about the Industrial and Education, and Technical Internships Program please contact NASA CTSGC.