University of Bridgeport will be hosting two Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Workshops for K-12 teachers this summer. These workshops are geared towards developing professional development content to instruct K-12 mathematics and science teachers on math-based science inquiry related to Engineering Design and Earth and Space Science and to utilize these materials with K-12 educators to support their own development of robust, engaging and technically accurate hands-on Engineering Design and Earth and Space Science curriculum which can be effectively utilized in the classroom.
These NASA CTSGC sponsored workshops will take place at the Discovery Museum & Planetarium in Bridgeport, CT, August 14-16, 2017 and then again at the University of Hartford, August 21-23, 2017 (*NOTE* August 23 will be at the Discovery Museum & Planetarium). The workshop includes participation in a Challenger Center Mission (simulation) and registration is free, however space is limited so sign up soon.
Check out the flyers below for more information and to apply for the workshop (Applications can also be found at the following links: BRIDGEPORT WORKSHOP / HARTFORD WORKSHOP