Time Remaining to Apply
The newest release of NASA Research Announcements (NRA) is soliciting ground-based research proposals – both experimental and numerical studies – using experimental data residing in NASA’s Physical Sciences Informatics (PSI) system (http://psi.nasa.gov). This online database provides investigators access to the raw and processed experimental data from past and current physical science International Space Station (ISS) flight experiments. In this way, the NRA promotes rapid, multiple investigations resulting in more scientists participating in ISS research. The next call for proposals solicits proposals in the five research areas – Combustion Science, Complex Fluids, Fluid Physics, Fundamental Physics and Materials Science – for which eligible experimental data will be available in the PSI by the proposal due date of December 15, 2016. At the time of the release of the Appendix, 38 investigations are expected to be eligible for this NRA. The call is open to two types of investigators: established researchers and graduate students. The typical awards will be $75,000 to $100,000 per year for up to two years.
A synopsis of the NRA has been posted on Federal Business Opportunities at https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&tab=core&id=9f826657499dd0014bb06285145bf211.
NASA plans to conduct a proposers’ conference via WebEx at 1 pm Eastern Time on October 5, 2016. To participate, navigate to https://nasa.webex.com/ and enter the meeting information: meeting number: 994 156 009 / meeting password: $Athena-2016. To hear the audio for the conference, call 1-844-467-6272 and enter the conference passcode: 921301#. If you want to submit questions about the PSI or the NRA before the conference, please send your questions to [email protected]. For additional information, see the PSI website.
Upcoming events connected to this NRA:
Sep 15, 2016 – Release NRA Appendix C
Oct 5, 2016 – Conduct Proposers’ Conference via WebEx
Oct 31, 2016 – Notices of Intent Due
Dec 15, 2016 – Proposals Due
Apr 18, 2016 – Announce Selections (target)